Please do not sit there in your complacency and think it is only the headcases and the disaffected and the weirdos with nothing better to do that are protesting about Gaza...
Pierre Krähenbühl, the commissioner-general of the UNRWA, says that initial evidence indicates that the UN school was hit by Israeli artillery shells.
"I condemn in the strongest possible terms this serious violation of international law by Israeli forces,"
"This is the sixth time that one of our schools has been struck. Our staff, the very people leading the humanitarian response are being killed. Our shelters are overflowing. Tens of thousands may soon be stranded in the streets of Gaza, without food, water and shelter if attacks on these areas continue.
We have moved beyond the realm of humanitarian action alone. We are in the realm of accountability.
I call on the international community to take deliberate international political action to put an immediate end to the continuing carnage."